Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Clumsiness and Quinoa

I have spent the last 5 days in Banff, Alberta.  Climbing mountains, kayaking the Bow Valley river, white water rafting, zip lining, taking walks in the cute little town.  What a life.  It was very relaxing for the most part.  And humorous as well.  At some point God decided it would be funny to make me the most accident prone person on earth. 

We go kayaking:
Camera – check.
Snacks – check.
Sunglasses – check.
Sunscreen – check.

We go hiking:
Camera – check.
Snacks – check.
Sunglasses – check.
Sunscreen – check.

We go fishing:
Camera – check.
Snacks – check.
Sunglasses – check.
Sunscreen – check.
Fishing gear – check.

Now what did I forget?  Toilet paper!! (and the probability that I will make a fool of myself using the “outdoor” bathroom)

We go kayaking:
I pull over on the side of the river and step into mud, which ends up being about a foot deep.  I can’t get my feet out and break my sandals during the process.  I finally free myself and I start to pee behind a tree.  What wonderful leaves those are beside me that I can wipe myself with.  Well, maybe not so much.  I pull the leaves off and start to wipe when I realize they have thorns all over them.  OUCH!

We go hiking:
This mountain has mosquitoes.  And I’m talking a lot of mosquitoes.  Army after army of mosquitoes.  There is not only a lot, they are also HUGE – mozzies on steroids!
I find a tree away from the main path, take a leak, and end up with 36 mosquito bites just on my ass! I am not kidding.  I have more mosquito bites on my butt than the average person gets in an entire year.

We go fishing:
Here I am whistling away when I realize I need to go.  The sun is going down so I put my sunglasses on top of my head, find a good spot behind a tree, and get ready to do my thing.  Just as I’m starting to go, my sunglasses fall off my head and I literally pee all over them.  Really attractive!!!

But yep, that’s me! All in all there was lots of adventures that were had and may good times.

And there’s nothing like a welcome home meal like Quinoa Lasagna.  Who doesn’t love lasagna (especially with a healthy twist)? 

Quinoa Lasagna

-1 cup quinoa
-1 cup tomato sauce
-1 onion
-3 garlic cloves
-1 red bell pepper
-Olive oil
-4-5 mushrooms
-1 tsp basil
-1 tsp oregano
-1 tsp marjoram
-2 medium tomatoes
-1 cup low fat cottage cheese
-1.5 cups skim cheese

  1. Cook quinoa in pot (as if you would do rice) and preheat oven to 350F.
  2. Saute onions, bell pepper, garlic, mushrooms, seasonings.
  3. Once browned, add tomatoes and tomato sauce.  Simmer until hot.
  4. Combine cottage cheese and skim cheese in a bowl
  5. In a baking dish, cover the bottom with the cooked quinoa.  Layer with the tomato mixture and then layer again with the cheese mixture.
  6. Bake for about 15-20 minutes.

This is a healthy alternative to the normally fattening lasagna (but just as delicious, I promise!).

There are a zillion great health benefits to eating quinoa, but I will highlight a few:
  1. It is a great source of protein and contains all of the essential amino acids you could possibly want in one dish, with a low amount of calories.
  2. It provides health benefits to your gastrointestinal system.  It contains insoluble fiber, which helps keep you regular.  It passes through your intestinal system and assists in moving food to your colon. 
  3. It is a gluten/wheat free brain food that provides you with 15% of your daily intake of Iron, encouraging energy and brain power.
  4. Its vitamin B content helps control brain volume and stabilizes moods.
Who wouldn’t want to eat this power food?!
And don't be afraid to pair it with a yummy salad :)

1 comment:

  1. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA! *takes massive breath* wow that was so crazy funny!
